Saturday, July 28, 2007

Smells Fishy

Jeez, work had kept me pretty tied up. Last weekend was a brief 1 ½ days because of an overnighter on Friday. Sunday I went out and did some careless shopping to celebrate my abundance of employment. My bought myself a Zune, I know I know....what the hell is that? It’s much like a Ipod with video capabilities. Except I’m not paying for a name and not quite a cool as the average joe, which is fine with me. I spent much less and got more much. So naturally when time has been allowed I have been filling it up with a nice diverse library of tunes and a few videos.
The second thing I purchased was a new phone. My sidekick had been falling apart and having more and more frequent glitches and it was about time to turn it in. What did I purchase? The Sidekick ID. I wanted to be a little more adventurous but there was really nothing out there that compared in the features department in the same price range. It just didn’t feel like paying 400 bucks for a phone. Anyway, I am happy with the new Sidekick, it’s put together a little better and has a fun game complimentary. I was getting bored with Tetris honestly. You don’t know how many times I played that damned game.
And then I bought myself some clothes. Yeah, clothes, nothing too exciting about that.

Pretty much all of the filming left is being done in an abandoned mental institution that production is using as their own temporary stages. It's said the place is hunted... yes that's right up my allet isn't it... people feeling a squeezing sensation around their bodies, toy bowling pins mysteriously replaced in the same spot every night, but I haven't had any experiences. The place is however, to say the very least, interesting. It's 700 acres of old buildings. It looks like a riot had broken out before is was left, rooms are cluttered with anything and everything... boxes of personal belongings, shoes, various equipment, tv's, pianos, files, office supplies...the list goes on and on indefinitely. Despite production's best efforts, last night went into Golden Time once again. I barely made it to 16 hours, but I did it. I was definitely ready for the weekend. The job hasn't offered me much sleep, but I'm not complainging. I'm certainly not complaining. Something I find occasionally challenging is not offering my creative advice on a film. I know no one wants it, but I get some really good ideas on set sometimes that I would just love to offer to the director. Oh well, their loss!
I finally broke down the other day and played some of instruments in that room while waiting for crew to set up. I totally dig the zylophone!!! And I was fucking rocking out! One of the crew stopped working and gave me a nod, so I know they were digging my jive.
There's also this restaurant on my way to the train station that is really starting to make me sick. It's a seafood place, and it keeps its dumpster close to the sidewalk. So everytime I pass by I'm flooded by the stench of rotting fish. It totally turns me off to fish for about 15 mins. Eh....

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