Sunday, July 15, 2007

Forgotten Things

I had a long list of things I wanted to get done today and I managed all of them. Well, I would have liked to have written more, but I believe I have committed to a story line, so this is good. It's been one of the things slowing me down with the script. Since a laptop isn't practical right now for work, I am bringing my note book to write. Working isn't enough, I need to be otherwise productive while I work, or during the down time at least.

A couple of things about the ghost trip I forgot to mention....

- I saw a bear running across the road.

- we found a dead bird in the road, with all her babies chirping about near her. So we moved the bird off of the road to prevent the babies from dying. They were pretty much able to fly, so I think they have a chance.

- I thought I saw a UFO while on a mountain near Pinebush. We were on the trails, it was cloudy and I saw this craft in the sky zig zagging and ....vibrating. It was a good minute before it revealed itself as a jet. I guess the cloud coverage made the effect.

- Clancy kept saying he was going to "dominate" this and that and so we all soon using the expression, it got sick fast.

Now onto a couple of ideas I came up with others that are themed in the environments that they were formed.

The Deer King: (This a two week old idea, if anyone remembers the specifics better than me, please present them.)

This idea came about while we were in the abadoned military base, home of the alleged ghost deer. It kind of felt like a SNL skit. A man enters the woods and sees all these deer (the place was filled with deer) . And for a reason I don't remember he becomes the leader of the deer, I think he fights the head deer and then he stakes over his position and becomes more and more deer-like, prancing and such. Well times passes and about 20 years later a stoned college student enters the woods and encounters the deer king. And the deer king tries to convince the stoner to take his spot as the king. There was something more funny about all of this, but I don't remember. The deer king is also known for trying to hot wire the cars of people who park near the woods.....yeah, sorry, I don't remember too much of the story.

The Rat Parade:
I was stuck of the subway with a friend the other day and my friend suggests that the train is waiting for someone to get out of the way, so I make like a rat, and scuttle across the track. My friend soon suggests there is a rat parade. And so began the details. A rat in lead, bouncing a wand, the parade melody, rats holding brass instruments jiving to the melody as they walk, acrobatic rats, rats holding onto parade balloons, the rat crowd cheering, little rat kids on their rat parents' shoulders, holding bag of popcorn dropped from the street level, a Ricky Martin (i think) rat on a parade float.....That's all I can remember.

I don't know, maybe you had to be there.

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