Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Cemetery Belt

I have been asking myself the question for a while now. Why is there no real subway route between Queens and Brooklyn? The system makes NO sense. You have to ride all through Manhattan and finally loop around. You can plan for at least an hour and 15 minutes of MTA. A while ago I heard Dave say something about cemeteries. So this morning on my way to work, I decided to look into it.
There are about 17 cemeteries that form what has been referred to as the "cemetery belt" on the border of the Kings and Queens counties. This 'natural' border of course makes any subterrian ambitions impossible between the lands of Brooklyn and Queens. Why such a concentrated area of coffin grounds (sounds a lot like coffee grounds)? All I could find on that was.... As real estate increased in Manhattan and the island became more populated with new buildings and people, old cemeteries were getting in the way. So the "remains" were tranferred to new cemeteries is a less popular area (queens/brooklyn.) Oh and one last bit, Bojangles can be found in the cemetery belt....dancing on the tombstones I'd like to think.


Anonymous said...

Finally, the ability to comment. You could say... it's a whole new world.

Don't know much about the cemetery belt, but I must say, in reference to two posts ago, natural peanut butter is the way to go. Just eat it fast, or else the stuff turns into a peanut butter brick.

Anonymous said...

Sounds ripe for "subterreanian ambitions," if you ask me