Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween in Salem

Well, I braved six hours of intense rain worsened by worn wipers and ridiculous lengths of traffic to finally make it to Salem, Mass. for Dave's Halloween bash.....hmmm....bash..... a party of 5 dudes. Ha! It was all good. I showed up, everyone was already in costume. This made me happy! Everyone was in Halloween spirit! So I emptied my bladder and stuffed my face with as much speed as I could muster. Then I assembled my costume. Oh yes! I haven't mentioned this year's costume. Orginally I was thinking skeleton. But as I was at a costume store, one of the employees told me that ALOT of people were doing that this year. I decided I needed something a little more original. So I decided I would be a dead rapper. Mostly skeleton, gold money-sign necklace, obnoxious Reebok kicks, backwards hat (Yankees at that), that sort of thing - now that I've made the reveal, if I see someone on the street in this costume Halloween night, I will assualt you. - Dave's costume kind of agreed with mine as he was being DCUP member Black Olive. His costume consisted of a toga, ninja mask, gold chains and rings, a laurel wreath, goggles and novelty clock. He looked like a toga wearing ninja-rapper, it was good. Though somehow everyone on the street was confusing him for Flava Flave, so he just started calling himself Flava Flavius. Needless to say we ditched the party idea, instead going out on the town for adventures. We had great fun and somehow spent no money during the course of the night. It was a lot of posing with people, explaining our costumes, guessing other peoples', more posing, more drinking, at one point I joined a choir of men in ivy league type suits who were singing some 50's song on the street to a crowd. I was THE black sheep, but the group embraced my enthusiasm, and instead of pushing me out, they pushed me to the front of the group and I sang lead for the last portion of the song. While Dave was immensely popular as a Roman Flava Flave, especially to the hunnies. There was a fair in town for the first time, so we went to that on the second night. Unfortunately not only did the fair suck ass, but I nearly got into a fight with a toothless carny, which is something I should have been able to predict really. I was also in Mass. to see the Sox win the Series. What an odd experience to be in a room of people CHEERING for the Red Sox. Good times.....

And like the Genesis song, I'm Back in New York City. (Peter Gabriel era)

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