Friday, July 25, 2008

Sitting in the Park, July 22, 2008

Right now I'm sitting in the park, a notebook on my lap, taking it all in as I wait for the first sentence to spark in my mind.

It's speckled with people, first the park, then my mind. They make me a bit lonely and give me company at the same time.

I look around and I see a man painting on an old style wooden isle that folds into case. He's aimed at the Hell Gate bridge and what a worthy landscape that is for canvas.

There's a trio of teens in front of me. They're seated in the grass. Their worlds are so small right now, with worries of prom and sports and grade averages and even sex. It's such a larger world than I had at that age.

The Creep type-cast passes me. He has a mechanical kind of gait and a suspicious glance. He passes around again.

Two dogs have come and gone. One resembled the owner as they both struggled with a light walk. Finally he squatted and gave her a gift, which she quickly wrapped up for him. Is he walking a little less weary? She isn't.

There's another man like me. He sits high on a bench and watches people.

A pair of dogs as separate as siblings can be - one ready to obey, the other not understanding the concept at all.

A couple, one plays the guitar. (That's three people - me included- in this small patch of park practicing an art in one form or another.) They sit in the grass and look in love.

3 more dogs. It finally dawns on me - they've all come here to poop after having been stuck inside for the last 9 hours. It's 6pm.

A corporate man in a stiff, humorless suit waits for his dog to drop one. A laugh at the thought of him picking it up. What a reversal. Dog's are fucking celebrities.

There's an incredible breeze in the air to an already perfect day. The wind whistles and barely muffles the laughter of the children far behind me at the public pool. There's a bit of shade that I hide under and it keeps the sun from reflecting off the notebook's white pages. A bright tall city peeking behind my left shoulder. I didn't even know it was a perfect day until I walked out here.

- Later the idea of a perfect day was exactly what I needed for the next sequence in my story. Go figure... I ultimately however went another direction, showing Airi at her worst moment instead...but there's still room for the original somewhere else. This shit might actually work! -

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