Sunday, July 15, 2007

Work, Work, Work

Okay, so yeah, despite not having a call time for Monday, it seems like I am working for the next month doing stand-in on a film. The past week has been pretty tiring, the hours have been long and it's been a lot of waking up early. Which is fine, because I am finally making some money. I don't really want to name the film until I am done working on it. But each day has brought at least something interesting, and the last couple of days have been pretty serene as were are filming in a Colonial town somewhere in Jersey. Thursday and Friday a friend was working on set with me, which was fun. I hope more of my colleagues will get to work on the film, as it's like friends are coming to see me.

Well, I definitely have not to blog, but I think it will have to wait until tomorrow.


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