Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tag You're It!

Apparently I've been tagged, not that I knew what this meant before reading on, but I am obligated to write a certain something and condemn others that read my blog to the same sentence. HAHAHA FOOLS!!!

"1. We have to post these rules before we give you the facts. 2. Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves. 3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. 4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. 5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog. "

1: When I stand still I stand on the balls of my feet and slightly leaned forward, taking all the weight off my heel. I have no idea why I do this. I also walk with my legs very closely together apparently. The proof? All my pants tend to wear holes in the ankle area.

2. I went slightly mad during my last year in college. Some examples that I remember.... jumping off rooftops, gutting and carving a pumpkin into a Jack O'Latern and wearing it over my head, making sculptures out of silverwear, scaling buildings, being so wasted I had no idea where I was in the middle of the dayor how I had gotten there (that may have actually been during a visit to Bard after I left).... I think it was Tivoli, I still don't really know, many many many elaborate charade pieces, an army of tiny aliens marching in and out of my nose, a beast caretaker/caged beast bit that I just can't explain verbally, sculpting a flower out of a coke can.... I can't remember much more, it was 8 years ago after all.

3: I was once wanted to be a fireman, carpenter and a chemist. Though a the time that I wanted to be a chemist I really had no idea what one was. I just liked the idea of being a mad scientist. In fact I was given some kind of child's chemistry set for Christmas one year, I remember it degrading to me mixing as many bottles of stuff from the set together in a plastic bowl in my background and lighting it all on fire. What a fucking pyro. Anyway that's the way all chemists should be. I'm still not exactly sure what it is a chemist DOES.

4: I am the producer and member of the cult hit hip hop group DCUP. My alter ago, Brekken Brekk aka, Brekken 360 is pretty close to the polar opposite of me, except for one thing.... we both like to get DOWWWWNNN!!!! My alter ego has also been affiliated with the ever brash hip hop band "House of Chicks."

5: I hardly ever wear shorts. I have chicken legs. And as Milhouse says on that one time traveling episode of "The Simpsons" where Homer has the bachelor pad under water, calves are the hardest area of the body to add mass!!

6: I don't laugh easily.

7: I am observer and I tend to analyse things sometimes too much. I have a real interest in the human psychology and cause/effect (including my own) and if I had to pursue a "real" job and the necessary college education, I would probably go in that direction.

8: Adventure is the name of the game. I want to travel as much as I possibly can in my lifetime. the tops sites would be... Italy again, Greece, Turkey, Malta (hell, all the Mediterranean.), Egypt, Scotland, Ireland, France again, England, Africa and the moon.

Ok, I really don't know many people that have blogs, Dave, Curran and Sara you're it!

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